Highway Operators’ Association (I) HOA(I)) is essentially an association of Infrastructure investors and their associated asset management companies. Members of HOAI acquire road concessions post-construction and mainly focus on the operation and maintenance of road assets through the application of best practices.
Currently, members of HOAI have 105 concessions (detailed in this brochure) which span over 8551+ km of National and State highways across 22 states in India. Our guiding principle(s) of conducting business are Transparency, Statutory Compliance, and Ethical Conduct. There is an intensive focus on the safety of road users, road workers, and reduction in road accidents by our toll plaza operations, route and incident management patrols, ambulance services, and maintenance teams.

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Establish a conducive ecosystem for operation and maintenance of highways keeping the interests of all stakeholders in mind – Public road users, Government and Members of HOA(I).


HOA(I) is the catalytic interface between all stakeholders in Operation and Maintenance of India’s highway/road ecosystem to create a viable and sustainable network for the public. It focusses on:

  • Creating a climate of efficiency and dignity in O&M of road assets, between Governmental Authorities (MoRTH /NHAI/ other institutions), its Members and the users.
  • Facilitating a nurturing policy, regulatory and legal framework in the sector.
  • Helping adopt global best practices in highway operations.
  • Promoting adoption of current technologies and skilling practices.


  • Develop a holistic, cooperative safe and sustainable road transport eco-system for users, by providing the interface between Government/Non-Governmental agencies and Members, and assist by providing requisite industry information enabling policy formulation.
  • Create a climate of efficiency, dignity and integrity for Members to Operate & Maintain (O&M) adopted road assets meeting aspirations of public users.
  • Foster unity and cooperation in taking up joint issues of O&M with all authorities and stakeholders of road assets, addressing common problems of the Members.
  • Help make toll road and other concession agreements more equitable and effective, thereby reducing user complaints and disputes.
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